July 17, 2008

Thought for Thursday - Traveling is Fun!

Well folks, I'm taking off for parts...Texas! Yes, I'm flying down to visit my family (and nephew sit). But when I first get there, I'm renting a car to drive to visit my mother for the weekend. We may go see Mamma Mia. If we do, I might have a review next week. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a week away and relatively free from work. I say relatively, since I will have my cellphone. However, unlike when I'm home, it will be turned off periodically. I find it terribly rude to take phone calls unless urgent. However, given the standoff with the broker dude, I will have to handle most of my client calls myself. I'm also expecting a call from the school district regarding the hourly pay. If they haven't called by Monday, I may call them. Perhaps this time next week, I'll know what I'm doing for a living. Have a great weekend!


The Gentleman said...

Have a nice flight and enjoy your holidays... don't let the sitting duties take all your time :P

Jdancer8 said...

i've learned to least expect everything and also never choose a path for life---there are lots of side roads...perhaps your looking for the "road of the year" haha...enjoy your vacation :o)

TheWeyrd1 said...

Gentleman...you'll see me around...heh.

j...interesting idea!

LostInColor said...

Safe travels.

TheWeyrd1 said...

Lost...thanks...having fun so far!

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage!

TheWeyrd1 said...

Citizen...thanks! Having fun with the nephews now!