September 15, 2008

Make My Monday - JOB Status Update

The school district HR department FINALLY contacted me to request graduate school transcripts! Now I have to call them to find out whether my "Issued to Student" transcripts are official enough (they had a rather vague description of what is NOT official) and also to find out what an Inservice Transcript is, because I've attended many inservices and received plenty of Certificates of Completion, but I have yet to ever see an Inservice Transcript. I suspect, I'll be stopping at my old grad school to request an "Official" transcript of my degree, but we shall see!


Jdancer8 said...

I think an inservice transcript would be copies of your certifates being that your inservices wouldn't be at one specific location with the ability to provide one single document for all inservices.....they really do drag their feet dont they---now if I was in that HR department you know it would be different :o)

TheWeyrd1 said...

J...wish you were!

LostInColor said...

My goodness...just now requesting transcripts?? talk about being slow.

TheWeyrd1 said...

Lost...go figure!